Support Our Work

Food shelves

Support Our Work

At Foothold Cymru, we're deeply committed to the well-being of our communities in West Wales.


Our services have been transforming lives since 1991, supporting over a quarter of a million individuals. We take immense pride in tackling inequality, and fostering well-being, and we're committed to continuing this vital work for those who require assistance with life's essentials – food, clothing, fuel, training, and a friendly ear or shoulder to lean on.


Your donations empower us to be there for those facing challenging times. We extend a helping hand to those striving to provide for themselves and their families, offering support for a brighter, independent future.


If you have any questions or are interested in supporting our mission through fundraising, please don't hesitate to contact Emily at Together, we can create positive change in our community.

To donate via bank transfer:

Account Name: Foothold Cymru

Bank: HSBC

Acc no: 61683292

Sort: 40-30-10



Pum Punt

Gallai helpu i dalu am eitemau bwyd sydd eu hangen i deulu mewn bag bwyd wythnosol, gan helpu'r rhai sy'n poeni am sicrhau digon o fwyd.

Deg Punt

Gallai dalu am cotiau cynnes i blant a gwisgoedd ysgol ar gyfer ein cyfnewid dillad, gan roi tawelwch meddwl i rieni pryderus.

Dau Ddeg Punt

Gallai helpu i ategu siopa bwyd i deulu am fis, gan helpu'r rhai sy'n poeni am fwydo eu hanwyliai.

Pobl yr ydym wedi'u cefnogi

Ers dros 30 mlynedd rydym wedi cefnogi nifer ddi-rif o bobl i gael y cymorth y maent ei angen.


Roedd Foothold Cymru yn fy helpu i gael bwyd i'm teulu pan nad oeddwn yn gallu gwneud fy ngyllideb wythnosol ymestyn



Gyda chefnogaeth Foothold Cymru, llwyddais i drefnu fy nghyllid a sicrhau bod bwyd bob amser i'm plant. Mae llai o bryder am arian i mi nawr.
