16 MEH

Volunteer Celebration and Awards!

Without our volunteers we wouldn’t be able to do all that we do. They are vital to our service and operations and we want them to know how important they are to us.

The awards are a chance for anyone and everyone to nominate a Foothold Cymru volunteer who has really made a difference, who has stepped up and gone the extra mile (or 10!).

If you know a volunteer with Foothold Cymru and you think they should be recognised for their incredible support, hard work and dedication, please nominate them today! It’ll only take a few minutes and it’ll mean that we can say a huge ‘thank you’ and recognise their incredible efforts.

The categories are:

Inspiring – Those who inspire others and have gone above and beyond. 

Creative (nominate a team or individual for this one) - Those who have created something, or problem solved to support others. 

Uplifting - Those who lift the spirits of others and keep people smiling. 

Doggie Volunteer - A thank you to our four legged friends who help lift the spirits of those we work with. 

Young Volunteer of the Year - Those aged 21 and under who give up their time to help others. 

Adult Volunteer of the Year - Those over 21 who give up their time to help others. 



If you're a lcoal buisness and would like to sponsor one of our Volunteer Award catogories, please call Emily on 07398740599 or email emily@footholdcymru.org.uk 


Rhagor o bostiau

Yn ôl at newyddion
29 Awst

Thank You Crest Ceilings and Partitions!!!

16 Gorff

Green Flag flying at Foothold Cymru Village Garden!

Bike Library Launches!
09 Gorff

Bike Library Launches!