Dear All,
Covid 19 (Coronvirius)
The world is a worrying place at the moment.
At the end of last week, CBSA, together with many other organisations in the third sector, took the difficult decision to minimise face to face contact, in order to reduce virus transmission and flatten the curve.
However, we remain focused and determined to continue to support our participants. Thankfully, on a very positive note, technology and digital inclusion activities have come into their own: and I’m grateful to our staff and volunteers who have developed a range of innovative ways in which we can continue to communicate with and support people during these challenging times.
Over the next few weeks, we will amongst other things, be:
· using social media to deliver capacity building activities using virtual community meetings
· running our virtual kitchen; helping people to cook easy, cheap recipes whilst at home
· using Google Sites to deliver employability training
· running our Soup Stone forum on Facebook – helping to reduce food waste and share ingenious hacks; making things go that little bit further
· working with young people to befriend older people – when so many are facing months of self-isolation
· distributing food to those in need
· delivering on-line gardening lessons
· running on-line DIY and upcycling lessons
Take care of yourselves and one another, be safe, helpful and kind.
Our very best wishes.
Mike Theodoulou
Chief Executive
The Centre for Building Social Action Limited