
Foothold Cymru recognises the urgent need to address environmental challenges and acknowledges its responsibility to operate in an environmentally sustainable manner. As a social justice charity, we understand that environmental issues disproportionately affect vulnerable communities, and we are committed to minimising our environmental impact while promoting environmental justice.

Policy Statement

Foothold Cymru is dedicated to integrating environmental sustainability into all aspects of our operations, decision-making processes, and service delivery. We aim to continuously improve our environmental performance, comply with all relevant environmental legislation, and inspire our stakeholders to adopt environmentally responsible practices.


This policy applies to all employees, volunteers, trustees, and contractors associated with Foothold Cymru. It covers all activities and operations conducted by the charity, including office-based work, service delivery, events, and procurement.

Governance and Responsibility

The CEO of Foothold Cymru holds overall responsibility for the environmental performance of the charity. The Deputy CEO is tasked with implementing this policy and overseeing the development and execution of the Environmental Action Plan. All staff members are expected to contribute to the charity's environmental goals and adhere to this policy in their day-to-day activities.

Key Commitments

Foothold Cymru commits to:


Energy and Carbon Management

1. Reducing our overall energy consumption and carbon footprint.

2. Transitioning to 100% renewable energy sources for our electricity needs.

3. Implementing energy-efficient practices and technologies in our offices and facilities.

4. Encouraging staff to adopt energy-saving behaviours.


Waste Reduction and Resource Efficiency

1. Implementing a comprehensive waste reduction and recycling programme.

2. Minimising the use of single-use plastics and other disposable items.

3. Adopting a paperless approach where possible and use recycled paper when necessary.

4. Ensuring proper disposal of electronic waste and other hazardous materials.


Sustainable Transport

1. Developing and maintain a sustainable transport policy for staff and volunteers.

2. Encouraging the use of public transport, cycling, and walking for commuting and work-related travel.

3. Utilising video conferencing to reduce unnecessary travel.

4. Considering transitioning to electric or hybrid vehicles for any charity-owned vehicles.


Sustainable Procurement

Developing a sustainable procurement policy that prioritises environmentally friendly products and services.

Engaging with suppliers who demonstrate strong environmental credentials

Considering the full lifecycle impact of products and services when making purchasing decisions.


Water Conservation

Implementing water-saving measures in our facilities.

Raising awareness among staff and service users about water conservation.


Environmental Education and Advocacy

Providing environmental awareness training for all staff and volunteers.

Incorporating environmental considerations into our service delivery and client support.

Advocating for environmental justice as part of our social justice mission.


Environmental Action Plan

Foothold Cymru will develop and maintain a comprehensive Environmental Action Plan that outlines specific targets, key performance indicators (KPIs), and timelines for achieving our environmental objectives. This plan will be reviewed and updated annually by the Deputy CEO and approved by the Board of Trustees.

The Environmental Action Plan will include:

·        Baseline measurements of our current environmental impact.

·        Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) targets for each key commitment area.

·        Designated responsibilities for implementing actions and achieving targets.

·        A monitoring and reporting framework to track progress.


Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Foothold Cymru will monitor and report on the following KPIs annually:

·        Total energy consumption (kWh) and percentage from renewable sources

·        Carbon footprint (tonnes CO2e)

·        Total waste produced (kg) and percentage recycled

·        Water consumption (m3)

·        Percentage of suppliers meeting our environmental criteria

·        Staff commuting patterns and work-related travel emissions

·        Number of staff and volunteers completing environmental awareness training.


Monitoring and Reporting

The Deputy CEO will oversee the monitoring of our environmental performance and prepare an annual environmental report. This report will be presented to the Board of Trustees alongside the annual financial accounts and will be made publicly available on our website.

Policy Review

This Environmental Policy will be reviewed annually by the Deputy CEO and updated as necessary to reflect changes in legislation, best practices, and the charity's operations. Any significant changes will be approved by the Board of Trustees.


Foothold Cymru is committed to environmental sustainability as an integral part of our social justice mission. By implementing this policy and continuously improving our environmental performance, we aim to contribute to a more sustainable and equitable future for all.