20 NOV

#IWill Week 23

Too often society fails to listen to young people's views, or recognise their ability to make a positive difference. It's time for that to change. Whatever your age or experience, join with us and say #iwill.


Meet Alice

Alice has been an invaluable member of our team, contributing her skills and enthusiasm since she began her placement with us from school back in September.


As we celebrate #iwill Week, we took the opportunity to sit down with Alice and delve deeper into her experiences, exploring what drives her passion for making a difference, the meaningful contributions she has made during her time with us, and the significance of this opportunity in shaping her personal and professional journey.


This is what she shared: 

Q: Hello Alice! Tell us a little about yourself. 

A: Hi, I’m Alice, I’m 15 years old. I attend Ysgol Y Strade. I like to game and cook. My favourite thing to cook is steak and chips but my favourite food is bacon! I want to be a chef in the future and really want to learn how to make homemade pasta.  

Q: Can you tell us a little about what you’ve been doing here in Foothold Cymru?

A: I’ve been doing a work placement. I’m here two days a week, in school three days a week. I’ve been doing cooking, hoovering, helping in the shop, making soup, making chutney. I really enjoyed making chutney. I really like working with Lucy, I get to learn to make new stuff. 

Q: What has been the most enjoyable part so far?

A: I’ve really loved the cooking because I get to try new things!

Q: What are some of the things you’ve learnt so far?

A: I’ve learned how to be a shop keeper and how to cook and make new things.  

Q: Have you gained anything else from being here? 

A: Yeah, I’m more confident now, I can talk to more people. I feel really comfortable here.  

Q: Any final thoughts?  

A: I love coming here because the people are lovely. I get to learn lots of new things that will help in the future, especially because I want to be a chef. I also really enjoyed winding Karen up with a banana!! 

Alice Making Fresh Pasta

Alice pasta 1
Alice Pasta 2

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